What do you want to be?

When I was a kid, adults would ask; what do you want to be when you grow up? This was a way to prepare me to think about my future, how am I going to earn my living. But this is a profound question if you really think about it. It is not just about earning a living.

Now that I have grown up and earning a living, this question keeps coming back to me. It is a question with deeper layers that when explored will send you in an exciting and sometimes disturbing journey of getting to know yourself. There is more to life than earning a living, raising a family and fulfilling all other obligations of a responsible adult.

Some of the questions to ask yourself are; what are my values? Are these values my own or are they borrowed and copied from others in society, culture, religion or some other authority? How do I want to live my life? Am I living the life that I had imagined or my hopes and aspirations have become buried and I am living a pretend life? What kind of person have I become? Do I like this person? Is this person an authentic person or an imitation of someone else? If you are living other people’s values and expectations then where is your own unique self hiding?

It can be daunting to start exploring the questions not to say it can even be an uncomfortable process. Where does one start? I would suggest starting with a simple question; what choices do I make every day? Are these choices taking me closer to peace and harmony or taking me further away?

When you really look at it, your life belongs to you and you have the power to make it however you choose to. Spring is a perfect time to sow the seeds you want and to let go of things that are no longer serving you.     

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