Social Media

A lady went to see her family in Australia and posted all her activities and photos on her social site. Little did she know that on her return she will find her house had been broken into. A young guy posted some party pictures and various activities that strolled through that event to find divorce papers waiting for him in the morning.

Have you ever wondered the social media has become the real world and the world that we live in is just a mirror of it? People post many weird activities including taking weapons and causing harm. Just to reveal their identity to the world. Are you serious? Yes, that’s how crazy it has become. People want to become a celebrity even if it means causing harm to the society they live in.

 If you are not in a social site then you are counted as either living in a jungle meditating or even dead. And you can be blamed by not commenting or liking a post of a friend or relative as if it was a crime. And it really does not matter whether you are free or you are in hospital bed with fractured leg.

What has happened to people’s mentality? In India a business has started whereby they update your social status by placing pictures from different places around the world that you visited. And you don’t have to go there or anywhere, right there in their studio they take photographs and with help of software, voila! There you are on top of Eiffel Tower, or roaming around Times Square, and it really does not matter whether you know the streets down there start with numbers and not names.

 As soon as you come out of the studio you have already visited many beautiful places around the world. The pictures are updated and you only have to pay minimal charge, much less then you could have paid if you had gone those places in reality. More fake friends and more likes is the result of what you have just paid for.

Just like a person who has got divorced or bankrupt recently, he will put several pictures from a party or somewhere on an island certifying the happy status he is in. What is happening inside them is none of your business. Which brings us back to the question, is social media the real world?

Why we need to show a happy status to anyone? Why is it so important that if someone does not commend of your dress you become unhappy? This is because we are used to fake happiness. We want someone to tell us how good we are. Because we are not in communication with the one who is always with us. God knows your status, whether you are happy or unhappy or suffering from a disease or going through low phase. He knows everything. Talk to him. There is no need to tell anyone or imitate a fake glorification.

Posting and updating on social media rhetorically is nothing but intoxication. Like a drug without which you react being unhappy and sad. Just like a person who has trained his brain in such a way that if he does not spend his time in a bar every evening, he will feel frustrated and agitated. And if he does not get beer for some reason that evening, he might even end up swallowing some sleeping pills just to get enough sleep to get back to work.

Let’s read what Rabia has to tell in her story.

“Why are you searching outside for the bliss that you have lost within?” asks Rabia

One day Rabia is sitting inside her hut. It is early morning and Hasan comes to see her. And the sun is rising and the birds are singing and the trees are dancing. It is a really beautiful morning.

And he calls forth from the outside, “Rabia, what are you doing inside? Come out! God has given birth to such a beautiful morning. What are you doing inside?”

And Rabia laughs and she says, “Hasan, outside is only God’s creation, inside is God himself. Why don’t you come in? Yes, the morning is beautiful, but it is nothing compared with the Creator who creates all the mornings. Yes, those birds are singing beautifully, but they are nothing compared with the song of God. That happens only when you are within. Why don’t you come in? Are you not yet finished with the without, with the outside? When will you be able to come in?”

“ How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him” - Frank Herbert

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