“ Your thoughts are seeds that you plant”  – Dr. Wayne Dyer

A saint went to preach in jail. After his sermon, he started handing fruits to some of the prisoners. As he approached one prisoner who was looking quite and polite, he smiled and asked, “What did you do?” The prisoner became emotional was not able to reply. As he received the fruit from the hands of the saint, tears trickled down his eyes. The guard nearby approached the saint and told him that he is sentenced to life imprisonment for killing two people.

As I listened to this, I wondered what could have happened to drive this man to be forced in committing such heinous crime? He translucently showed his emotions when facing the saint. Which hardcore criminal would melt away into emotions till tears would flow from his eyes?

Apparently he had planted some poisonous seeds that came into action and prompted him to finish the job. But did he not realize the consequences? Probably not at that time. The question is why? Why would a person suffer for a very long time for a very short impulsive act that was triggered by some chemical reactions in the body and mind?

According to chemistry, anger triggers the adrenaline glands to release the hormones and prepare the body for fight or flight. Due to that, heart rate increases with blood pressure, and it also alters body’s metabolism with some other actions.

But, this is only possible if you react to the situation. What happens if you stay calm and start thinking first before taking any decision whatsoever? You have controlled the emotions and with it your body’s chemical reactions.

The uncontrolled desires puts sword on one’s neck. Yet, at the time of fulfilling those desires, he becomes completely blind. Have you seen people jump into the lake from a cliff? It is great fun but at the same time dangerous. If your fall is miscalculated, you might die or live handicapped for the rest of your life.

Therefore, let’s plant some good seeds in our mind. Good thoughts will always bring a positive result and bring us nearer to our creator. Push back the desires which are only chemical reactions that will evaporate as it reaches equilibrium level.

“ I would rather be able to appreciate things I cannot have than to have things I am not able to appreciate”  – Elbert Hubbard.

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