What Goes Around Comes Around

As you look around you will sense the brake that pandemic has put on people’s lives. Whether you are watching TV, listening to the radio or reading updates through internet, you will always hear several accidents in a day. More people were dying by accidents then natural causes. That was the speed of life. Sometimes a person driving behind you is so irritated that he or she will tailgate you so that you also become like them and increase your driving speed.

Everyone seemed to be running but where? Were they running towards the graveyard? If so, why hurry, it is going to come to you anyway. Well, last weekend I happened to visit an old lady at retirement home. She had asked my friend for help in getting some tutorial on surfing the internet. She was kind and offered me a cup of tea and cookies. After some talks, I came to know she was interested in listening to spiritual lectures and could not handle the machine.

I made her sit with me and within an hour she was coming to the terms with the machine and was also able to surf and view her preferred types of programs. As I watched her glide through the keyboard and the screen, she seemed pretty happy with the lessons. The smile and sparkle in her eyes said everything. Finally before I left, I asked whereabouts of her children. The smile went away immediately and she cut the answer short as “BUSY”.

“ When you look into your Mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on earth” - Mitch Albom

Try to think of the years parents look after the child and undergo the pressures of life, sometimes working more than their strength will allow them. From the day he/she is born till the day they are capable to manage themselves. Even then parents always remain by their side and provide resources and support of all kinds.

When they start earning and buy their own properties, it is time to move out. They then find their partners with whom they think life is going to be a paradise. A small child and an old person need supervised guidance. Imagine the moment your child tells you, “I think it is time for you to move to retirement home!” That would strike them like lightning of 100 million volts!

In many scientific studies it has been found, in extended families people are less depressed and less unhappy. This is because there is someone all the time in the house to talk to. Someone to share your views or yet someone to give you morale boost if you are feeling low.

If we look into the history we find that until 1960’s extended family was widely practiced. Therefore it just started getting messy. Or is it really messy? Or it is the way of modern life? The way that says kick out your own parents so you can have a peaceful life. One who stood by you through thick and thin. It will not take long to realize human race has twisted itself in self strangulating manner.

Well, the saying goes, what goes around, comes around. Don’t expect any different treatment for yourself.

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